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How to Sing Your Heart Out Without Shedding a Tear | Beginner Piano Player, Singer & Songwriter

How To Sing Your Heart Out Without Shedding A Tear: Tips To Stop Yourself From Crying When Singing

by Sam de la Haye



Singing is a healing art, not just for the listener, but also for the singer. But, the road to healing through singing can be a bumpy ride, especially when your emotions are high, and your voice cracks with tears. Many beginner and intermediate vocalists experience this tug-of-war between their emotions and vocal cords. They find themselves in situations where they can't finish a song without bursting into tears. If you relate to this, don't worry; you're not alone, and there's a solution to this problem! In this blog post, we'll explore tips and techniques on how to stop yourself from crying when you sing, so you can confidently and beautifully express yourself through music.



Sing it over and over again: I love music so much because it can stir up all sorts of emotions, but sometimes we are just too close to those lyrics right? So the...

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The Healing Power of Songwriting: How Vulnerability Can Transform Your Music

 The Healing Power of Songwriting: How Vulnerability Can Transform Your Music

By Sam de la Haye


When I was younger, life hit me hard, and being the shy, ‘back of the class’ sort of girl put me in a vulnerable position. I had so much emotion bubbling inside of me but didn’t have the power, confidence or knowledge to let it out. 

But that was until one day. 

That one day was the first time I set foot in a music room. And oh my gosh!  it was like entering Aladdin's cave!


There was suddenly this new world to be discovered - I couldn’t believe it!

I remember sitting down at the piano, putting my hands on the white keys and softly pressing them down and listening to the notes ringing in the air!!! It was beautiful ..just one note... and, even though I had no skill and certainly couldn’t read music, that was it! I was hooked and the floodgates opened. It was like I had been set free. It was at that moment that I realised...

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Why I'm Trying a Woman-Only Cohort for my next course

Why I'm Trying a Woman-Only Cohort for My Next Course

by Sam de la Haye


Back in 2021, I was leading my eight-week program Piano.Vocal.Success for the third time. As with any new group, I felt a bit nervous at the start. However, there was something truly exceptional about this particular cohort - it was my first and only all-female group. Over the weeks we spent together, we formed a strong bond and remain close friends to this day.


After the course was finished, I took some time to reflect on the energy of the group. It was a unique, feminine and creative energy, somewhat softer and lighter than what I had experienced before. At first, I had planned to keep the cohort exclusively for women, but then I met a male student who was super lovely and inspiring. I decided to open up the group to all genders to ensure everyone had the opportunity to benefit from the positive energy and learning environment.


Since then I've successfully run P.V.S. Now named Express...

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How to write arrangements on the piano to compliment your voice

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2023

How to write arrangements on the piano to complement your voice

by Sam de la Haye


When I first started using the piano to accompany my voice, I thought I had to have a complex piano part. The more complicated the piano arrangement was, the better piano player and musician I thoughts I was! It turns out I was wrong!


You see, in my head, I thought that Tori Amos and Sarah McLachlan were excellent! How could I ever compete with them - They were goddesses!!! But over the years, I have realised that even they overplay the piano sometimes! 

Being at Grade 8 standard at the piano and being able to play Mozart will help you learn harmony, and give you the skills to take a piece of sheet music and play it right off the bat. But as piano vocalists, we don't need these skills to create beautiful piano arrangements to complement our voices. 

In fact, have you ever encountered a musical score that doesn't have the melody in...

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How to Use a Microphone Live as a Piano Vocalist

How to Use a Microphone Live as a Piano Vocalist

by Sam de la Haye


As a piano vocalist, you want to make sure that your audience can hear every note and every word you sing. That's where a microphone comes in handy. But using a microphone live can be a bit intimidating, especially if you're not used to it. In this blog post, I'll share some tips and tricks on how to use a microphone live, from my years of experience. Why using a microphone is so important for your voice, and things not to do whilst using a microphone.

Why is using a Microphone Important for Your Voice?


A microphone allows you to sing with more dynamics. You can get really close to the mike and make breathy quiet tones or pull away from the mike and sound like the Diva you were born to be!

It helps you to amplify your voice, especially over a large crowd of talking people and makes it easier for the audience to hear you over the piano. Its also crucial to help preserve your vocal cords by reducing the...

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How to identify if you are self sabotaging!

How to identify if you are self sabataging!

by Sam de la Haye


Do you ever feel that someone is wasting your time? Perhaps you are sitting at the front of the class, eager to learn and you find yourself sitting there frustrated because you feel you know everything they are teaching you.


Perhaps you are desperate to learn, but there is a negative voice in your head saying “I’m too old” “I’m not musical” or “I can’t sing”

Well, I want you to just stop!

Take a moment and question your feelings because you could be in self-sabotage mode! 

You see learning a new skill can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you're trying to learn how to play the piano, sing, or write a song, and whether you like it or not sometimes our subconscious can get in the way of our progress! 


Because it wants us to stay safe!

But the cost is it keeps us playing small.


Your mindset can have a huge impact on how...

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A New Documentary on Lady Gaga - Why You Should Watch It!

A New Documentary on Lady Gaga - Why You Should Watch It!

By Sam de la Haye


Back in 2011, I was fortunate enough to spend some time in the USA with other singer/songwriter friends. Whilst on our tour I got chatting with an artist and she said, 'You don’t want to be like lade GAGA - She was once like us [Piano/Vocalist] and sold out!

- It got me thinking! 


What does sold out even mean?

  From this to this


Fast forward 12 years and I’m sitting in my tiny cottage in Cornwall watching her new Documentary 5 foot 2 on Netflix! 


Over the 12 years since that conversation, Lady Gaga has been one of the most popular and influential artists of our generation. She is known for her catchy songs, outrageous fashion, and her commitment to her art. In a new documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, we get an intimate look at the woman behind the persona. Through interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, we see how Gaga has grown into herself...

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Write a set list of songs that inspires Your audience

Writing a Set List of Songs That Inspire Your Audience

by Sam de la Haye


As a performer, one of the most important aspects of your performance is the setlist. 



A set list is a collection of songs that every performer creates either before she performs or during the performance. For example, you may see an artist singing for 45 minutes, then take a 30-minute break and then sing for a further 45 minutes. This would be 2x 45-minute sets.

But how do you go about creating a set list that will keep your audience engaged and inspired? 

CONFESSION!! : When I first started performing I made tons of mistakes and my first mistake was writing a list of songs that I loved including my own! BIG BIG Mistake.   

You see I love singer-songwriters that most people have not even heard of!  And I would sing my heart out for three or four songs, look up at the audience and they would be totally ignoring me! 


Because an audience engages...

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Unlock Your Voice: Conquering Your Mix and Head Voice

Unlock Your Voice: Conquering Your Mix and Head Voice

By Sam de la Haye


Singing in pitch is a fundamental skill for any vocalist, yet it can be difficult to achieve. It's not just about hitting the right notes - it's also about learning how to use different vocal registers to your advantage. Where to place your voice in your skull and how to come back time after time to that resonance. 

But first, let me tell you a little story

There I was at boarding (Drama) school waiting in the wings and about to go on stage! It was our annual stage cup competition and stood right before me was my best friend/rival! She was beautiful, had long flowing Red hair and was genuinely a lovely person BUT not only that she had power in her upper register and me... Well, I could belt out a tune in my chest voice but anything past a B and my voice sounded like a whisper.



I just looked at her with awe and thought… how does she do it? Sing so powerfully up there? Like it was...

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How To Use Anger To Supercharge Your Creativity

How To Use Anger To Supercharge Your Creativity

By Sam de la Haye


Anger... it can be a powerful and overwhelming emotion. Often seen as a negative emotion!!!

A dangerous emotion

Something to be ashamed of feeling!


But what if you could use that anger to fuel your creativity? Imagine re-awakening your creativity by using your anger as a source of inspiration. 


Let me explain.. 

Back when I lived in Clapham, in a tiny two-bedroom flat, at the age of 23. I shared it with a polish girl called Patricia and her boyfriend, and I worked full-time as a care worker. I was overweight and had no money, other than a dream……. BUT>>>> I had not played the piano in three years, and I could see the dust settle.


I was incredibly lucky because I lived 5 minutes by car from the famous “Bedford” - a renowned pub that has all the best singers/songwriters perform just before they break through onto the radio. A promoter...

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