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How To Use Anger To Supercharge Your Creativity

How To Use Anger To Supercharge Your Creativity

By Sam de la Haye


Anger... it can be a powerful and overwhelming emotion. Often seen as a negative emotion!!!

A dangerous emotion

Something to be ashamed of feeling!


But what if you could use that anger to fuel your creativity? Imagine re-awakening your creativity by using your anger as a source of inspiration. 


Let me explain.. 

Back when I lived in Clapham, in a tiny two-bedroom flat, at the age of 23. I shared it with a polish girl called Patricia and her boyfriend, and I worked full-time as a care worker. I was overweight and had no money, other than a dream……. BUT>>>> I had not played the piano in three years, and I could see the dust settle.


I was incredibly lucky because I lived 5 minutes by car from the famous “Bedford” - a renowned pub that has all the best singers/songwriters perform just before they break through onto the radio. A promoter called Tony Moore runs the music side, and every night I would drive there, buy myself a small bottle of Beck's beer and sit at the back, longing to be that singer on that stage! 


But did I write? Nope

Did I sing? Nope

I just watched from afar! Longing


Maybe at that time, I was working crazy hours, so I had nothing else to give

Maybe I had nothing to say

Maybe I was in the space of just not being creative.


But I do know that shortly after, I wrote one song that kicked started my creativity again!


 “The Affair”  - Written about someone who really really P**ed me off! [Oh, and no, I did not have an affair with a married man! Some of the inspiration was taken from a TV programme]

You can listen here:          


I’m not saying that this will work for everyone, but when my back is against the wall, I tend to take action. And many of my songs are written when the rage is in my blood! 


You see anger for me = creativity and action.


I am not one to tell people I am angry at them - I hate confrontation. But songwriting is a great safe space for me to let it all out. And anger, for me, has always been a fantastic catalyst for getting my creativity flowing again.


Why Use Anger? 

Anger is an incredibly powerful emotion that can bring out a range of different feelings and responses. It’s also a great source of creative energy, which can help you tap into new sources of inspiration and motivation. When used correctly, anger can be a useful tool for igniting your inner fire and pushing yourself to do better. 


The Power of Lyrics 

 One of the best ways to use your anger to create something positive is through songwriting or lyrical composition. Writing lyrics allows you to express yourself creatively while also exploring some of the deeper emotions that come with being angry. That said, it’s important to remember that writing lyrics doesn’t have to be limited to songs about being mad; it can also be used as a form of self-expression and exploration. 

     Techniques such as free-writing, brainstorming, and even improvisation can help you craft unique and meaningful pieces that capture the true essence of your emotions. So don’t be afraid to experiment and explore – who knows what kind of masterpiece you could create! 

Visual Arts 

Visual art is another great way to use your anger creatively. I often use Visual arts whilst working as a music therapist. It's another angle to your expression. Whether it’s painting, drawing, sculpting or any other form – creating visual art gives you an outlet for expressing yourself without using words. Visual arts allow you to express yourself in whatever way feels natural; whether it’s creating abstract works or something more literal – the possibilities are endless! Additionally, visual arts are great for honing in on small details which may have been overlooked before – giving you further insight into the depths of your own emotions.                

Ok you think I’m a hot-headed read head now, don’t you? Lol


Well, not really, I’m actually very laid back, but Anger is an incredibly powerful emotion that can be an invaluable source of creative inspiration if harnessed correctly. 


Whether it's through songwriting or visual art, using my anger creatively gives me an opportunity to explore not just how angry I am but why those emotions exist in the first place– offering valuable insight into myself along the way! 


So if you feeling stuck! Feel like you have no MOJO; feel like… Where has my authentic voice gone? I want you to really think about something that you are angry about!


Don't be afraid to let go and unleash your full potential, and you never know, it may reawaken your creativity as it does mine!

Want to learn how to harness your anger through songwriting?

If you are feeling deflated, have lost your creativity or don't know how to harness the power of music to express yourself I would like to invite you to my four-part Masterclass series: Seek Your Truth.



I will be doing a FREE  Four-part Masterclass series. It starting on Thursday, January 19th 2023  but don't worry there are REPLAYS and the next masterclass is this Sunday 22nd January 2023 


“Seek Your Truth”: 4 Steps To Awakening Your Creative Musical Self: How to find your authentic singing voice whilst accompanying yourself on the piano through songwriting and playing covers without reading a note of music.


Not only will you receive tons of motivation and accountability, but you will learn the skills you need to be able to sing, play and write your own songs!   - Yes, beginners can do this I promise… 

If you feel lost! miss music and want a way back into singing and playing again - then this masterclass series is for you!

Are struggling to hear your inner voice or have forgotten those dreams you have ignored from years ago, This Masterclass series will reawaken your inner voice and help you hear it!



This isn’t your typical musical skills masterclass series. I have created a safe space for you to explore who you really want to become through the vessel of singing, playing and songwriting. You will awaken your creativity and walk away feeling clear and motivated and know your next step! You will fall in love with music again and have the confidence to walk on the right path - whatever that is!





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