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How To Use Anger To Supercharge Your Creativity

How To Use Anger To Supercharge Your Creativity

By Sam de la Haye


Anger... it can be a powerful and overwhelming emotion. Often seen as a negative emotion!!!

A dangerous emotion

Something to be ashamed of feeling!


But what if you could use that anger to fuel your creativity? Imagine re-awakening your creativity by using your anger as a source of inspiration. 


Let me explain.. 

Back when I lived in Clapham, in a tiny two-bedroom flat, at the age of 23. I shared it with a polish girl called Patricia and her boyfriend, and I worked full-time as a care worker. I was overweight and had no money, other than a dream……. BUT>>>> I had not played the piano in three years, and I could see the dust settle.


I was incredibly lucky because I lived 5 minutes by car from the famous “Bedford” - a renowned pub that has all the best singers/songwriters perform just before they break through onto the radio. A promoter...

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