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How to Sing Your Heart Out Without Shedding a Tear | Beginner Piano Player, Singer & Songwriter

How To Sing Your Heart Out Without Shedding A Tear: Tips To Stop Yourself From Crying When Singing

by Sam de la Haye



Singing is a healing art, not just for the listener, but also for the singer. But, the road to healing through singing can be a bumpy ride, especially when your emotions are high, and your voice cracks with tears. Many beginner and intermediate vocalists experience this tug-of-war between their emotions and vocal cords. They find themselves in situations where they can't finish a song without bursting into tears. If you relate to this, don't worry; you're not alone, and there's a solution to this problem! In this blog post, we'll explore tips and techniques on how to stop yourself from crying when you sing, so you can confidently and beautifully express yourself through music.



Sing it over and over again: I love music so much because it can stir up all sorts of emotions, but sometimes we are just too close to those lyrics right? So the best way to get unemotionally attached is to sing that song over and over again. Allow the tears to flow, get all those emotions out in the privacy of your own home, then when the time has come to perform the song, you will have released all there is to release and the song will not feel so personal. 


Embrace your vulnerability: It's natural to feel vulnerable when singing, as the lyrics and melody often express emotions that are personal and raw. However, don’t forget that embracing your vulnerability can help you connect on a much deeper level with your audience. Not only this but you will express yourself authentically and connect on a deeper level with the song. I always say to students if you feel an emotion whilst singing your song, your audience will feel the same emotion. This is one of my tricks when I want to evoke emotion in my audience. I deliberately take myself to a place in my head where the song means so much to me and where I am on the verge of crying 99% of the time when I look up after the song has finished the audience is all in tears. Instead of trying to suppress your emotions, acknowledge and accept them. This can help you to feel more in control of your performance and prevent tears from flowing.

Practice Breathing Techniques: This is a practical tip but so helpful: Imagine you are on stage, your throat is closed and yup!!! You can feel the tears and your breath goes shallow! - HELP!!!

The last thing you want is for your voice to crack and tears to flow. To prevent this, focus on your breathing before you start singing. Take deep breaths, and exhale slowly to help calm yourself down. Try inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. This will help you control your emotions and prevent tears from coming out. 


Connect With Your Song: When you sing, you're not just reciting words; you're telling a story, and your emotions are the vehicle for that story. For instance, if you're singing a heartfelt ballad, connect with the emotions of the character in the song. Think about the things you've experienced in your life that make you empathize with the story. By doing this, you will be able to channel your emotions and sing with meaning. Consequently, you'll be less likely to break down.

Try Visualization Techniques: Visualization can help you control your emotions and prevent tears from flowing while you sing. Before you start singing, look at the person in front and imagine that this is their story, not yours. You are simply the storyteller and mirroring how this person feels. It may help you detach from the emotions a little and help you stay as an active guide rather than the victim of the song. Visualizations like this will help boost your confidence and alleviate any anxiety you may have before singing. When you're focused and relaxed, it's much harder to start crying.


Take Small Breaks: Practice makes perfect, but sometimes taking small breaks in between singing sessions can make a world of difference. If you feel like tears are about to flow and you are emotionally drained, take a minute to pause. Use this time to take a few deep breaths, wipe your eyes, and let your emotions subside. When you're ready, continue singing at your own pace. Taking small pauses in between practice can significantly help you prevent tears from flowing.


Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself: Lastly, it's essential to remember that everyone has their emotional triggers, and that's okay. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can't stop yourself from crying, don't be too hard on yourself. Instead, take it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and your emotions. Once you understand your emotional triggers, you can gradually start to work on managing them. Remember that every great singer has had their fair share of emotional moments, and it's these emotions that make their music so relatable and beautiful.


Singing is therapy for the soul, and it's natural to get emotional when singing. However, if you're looking to stop yourself from crying when you sing, try one of the above and see if it works for you. You can either practice breathing techniques, connect with your song, try visualization techniques, or take small breaks, but most importantly, don't be too hard on yourself. With these tips, you'll be able to express yourself through music confidently and without any tears!

Want to Learn How to Sing, Whilst accompanying your voice on the piano?

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Download my FREE beginner piano, singer/songwriter PDF guide to help you channel your emotions creatively. 



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