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Unlock Your Voice: Conquering Your Mix and Head Voice

Unlock Your Voice: Conquering Your Mix and Head Voice

By Sam de la Haye


Singing in pitch is a fundamental skill for any vocalist, yet it can be difficult to achieve. It's not just about hitting the right notes - it's also about learning how to use different vocal registers to your advantage. Where to place your voice in your skull and how to come back time after time to that resonance. 

But first, let me tell you a little story

There I was at boarding (Drama) school waiting in the wings and about to go on stage! It was our annual stage cup competition and stood right before me was my best friend/rival! She was beautiful, had long flowing Red hair and was genuinely a lovely person BUT not only that she had power in her upper register and me... Well, I could belt out a tune in my chest voice but anything past a B and my voice sounded like a whisper.



I just looked at her with awe and thought… how does she do it? Sing so powerfully up there? Like it was...

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