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A New Documentary on Lady Gaga - Why You Should Watch It!

A New Documentary on Lady Gaga - Why You Should Watch It!

By Sam de la Haye


Back in 2011, I was fortunate enough to spend some time in the USA with other singer/songwriter friends. Whilst on our tour I got chatting with an artist and she said, 'You don’t want to be like lade GAGA - She was once like us [Piano/Vocalist] and sold out!

- It got me thinking! 


What does sold out even mean?

  From this to this


Fast forward 12 years and I’m sitting in my tiny cottage in Cornwall watching her new Documentary 5 foot 2 on Netflix! 


Over the 12 years since that conversation, Lady Gaga has been one of the most popular and influential artists of our generation. She is known for her catchy songs, outrageous fashion, and her commitment to her art. In a new documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, we get an intimate look at the woman behind the persona. Through interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, we see how Gaga has grown into herself over the years and learn some valuable lessons that we can all apply to our own lives.

The Power of Being Yourself

What was really interesting was how insecure lady Gaga came across. Even in 2018, when she had years of success under her belt. I found myself wanting to give her a big hug and say everything is going to be ok!


Gaga has struggled with anxiety and self-doubt throughout her entire career but yet she still moves through those difficult feelings to become a phenomenal Leader

If she has “sold out”, I think over the past decade she has more than earnt her right to be where she is today.


In fact, she even shares that she was constantly second-guessing herself and wondering if she was good enough. However, she had a moment of realization that changed everything. She realized that she didn't need to be anyone other than herself to be successful. This was a powerful lesson for all of us. We often try to be someone that we're not in order to please others or fit in. But the truth is that we are all unique and special in our own ways. When we embrace our true selves, that's when we can really shine.



The Importance of Passion and Hard Work - But not too much!!!

Gaga is one example of how passion and hard work can pay off. She started out as a struggling artist trying to make it in New York City as a lot of us singers/songwriters did. She slept on couches and played open mic nights for years before she finally got her big break. Even then, she faced a lot of rejection before she became the superstar that we know today.


However, in the film - it became apparent that she was killing herself with her torturous schedule. She broke her hip three years ago, and instead of resting when it flared up, she worked harder, Got more injections and pushed - pushed - pushed! 


I also found myself thinking of Amy Winehouse - there was a strong mirror image between Amy and Lady Gaga - even in the clothes and make-up they both wore. Gaga at the time of filming was working with Mark Ronson. I wonder if Mark had the same influence over Lady Gaga as he did Amy Winehouse. A toxic combination of workaholicism, alcohol and drugs - and we know how Amy’s Story ends

Her story is a reminder that although it's important to work towards your goals, you have to remember that health and self-care are also just as important. Even if you want something bad enough, and you are willing to sacrifice these things, when you get to the top, you may end up being broken!

However, it's not all doom and gloom - 

It was amazing to see how creative Gaga was in her day-to-day life - Most days she was at the piano, writing, singing or just rehearsing. I loved how she was able to play a show with only 6 weeks' notice - The super bowl of all gigs!!! She was ready!!! She rehearsed and embrace the responsibility. And the final 20 minutes of the film were incredible watching her be the BOSS! She was kick ass



I loved watching her record as well - it was effortless and she knew her voice so well. - Only years of experience could have got her here.


But the biggest thing I loved about the film was


Being Kind to Others

Throughout the documentary, we also see how important it is to be kind to others. Gaga is always going out of her way to help her fans and make them feel appreciated. She takes the time to listen to their stories and offers advice when needed. We could all learn a thing or two from her about being more compassionate towards others.


So if you are in need of something to watch give you a kick up the butt Lady Gaga: Five Foot Two is a must-watch for any fan of the pop star or anyone who needs a little inspiration in their life. It's a moving portrait of an artist who has overcome immense challenges to become one of the most successful musicians in the world today. Gaga's story is a reminder that no matter what life throws your way, you can always achieve your dreams if you stay true to yourself and never give up.

and regarding selling out? I think she has shown me that she is so much more than just a girl with a piano - For so long troubadour musicians have felt that dressing up, and turning their music into pop was to dilute the message but in fact, she has pushed boundaries, broken every rule and made a real difference in not only the music industry but to millions of peoples lives with her music! 

All photos taken from Lady Gaga's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ladygaga/ 

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