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A New Documentary on Lady Gaga - Why You Should Watch It!

A New Documentary on Lady Gaga - Why You Should Watch It!

By Sam de la Haye


Back in 2011, I was fortunate enough to spend some time in the USA with other singer/songwriter friends. Whilst on our tour I got chatting with an artist and she said, 'You don’t want to be like lade GAGA - She was once like us [Piano/Vocalist] and sold out!

- It got me thinking! 


What does sold out even mean?

  From this to this


Fast forward 12 years and I’m sitting in my tiny cottage in Cornwall watching her new Documentary 5 foot 2 on Netflix! 


Over the 12 years since that conversation, Lady Gaga has been one of the most popular and influential artists of our generation. She is known for her catchy songs, outrageous fashion, and her commitment to her art. In a new documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, we get an intimate look at the woman behind the persona. Through interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, we see how Gaga has grown into herself...

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