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The Healing Power of Songwriting: How Vulnerability Can Transform Your Music

 The Healing Power of Songwriting: How Vulnerability Can Transform Your Music

By Sam de la Haye


When I was younger, life hit me hard, and being the shy, ‘back of the class’ sort of girl put me in a vulnerable position. I had so much emotion bubbling inside of me but didn’t have the power, confidence or knowledge to let it out. 

But that was until one day. 

That one day was the first time I set foot in a music room. And oh my gosh!  it was like entering Aladdin's cave!


There was suddenly this new world to be discovered - I couldn’t believe it!

I remember sitting down at the piano, putting my hands on the white keys and softly pressing them down and listening to the notes ringing in the air!!! It was beautiful ..just one note... and, even though I had no skill and certainly couldn’t read music, that was it! I was hooked and the floodgates opened. It was like I had been set free. It was at that moment that I realised just how powerful singing, songwriting and piano playing can be, especially for self-expression. 


And that is exactly what I want to talk to you about in today’s blog. It was said by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that ‘Music is the universal language of mankind’ and he couldn’t be any more accurate. Music transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries and has the power to convey emotions and connect us with others in a way that words just cannot. And do you know what?... songwriting is just one step further; we can be truly honest and totally vulnerable with the world in both a beautiful and intriguing way. 



But why is vulnerability so important?

Strength comes from allowing ourselves to be vulnerable; our creativity is at risk if we don’t open up to the possibility of failure or rejection! Vulnerability is a powerful tool of self-expression as it allows us to take chances, and try new things and gives us permission to explore different aspects of our minds. Not only this but it is a force that affects those around us and can have the greatest impact on anyone witnessing this vulnerability.


And how does this relate to songwriting?

I’m not going to beat around the bush - the process of creativity is often messy and unpredictable and this absolutely applies to songwriting. In fact, this vulnerability is what allows us to tap into our deepest emotions and write songs that are honest, raw and impactful. And yes it can be uncomfortable and can absolutely push us to our limits, but it is important to remember that "Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage.", as said by Brené Brown.

Now I know it's hard sometimes to be in a state of vulnerability, so to try and make the process a little easier I have put together a few action steps and tips you can try straight away! 



  1. Honesty is the best policy! Make sure you’re totally genuine and truthful with yourself about how you’re feeling and what you’re experiencing. Things will get tough and emotions will be high but use this power and intensity to your advantage. In my experience the more I feel inside the more it translates into the song.  
  2. Write for yourself, and yourself only first. Start by writing a song that you need to hear and let the rest fall into place. Think about what you are feeling right now, about what's going on in your life, and how you can use those thoughts and feelings to inspire your music. Consider your experiences with other people or places, and try to remember all of the little details that make them special. Use those details to create something that is uniquely yours. Once you have something down on paper then worry about the rest.
  3. Trust yourself and the music you create. It can be easy to get all caught up in trying to sound like someone else or worrying about what people might think. However, stay focused on your own ideas and vision for the song. Your creativity is valuable; don't let it be wasted by worrying about what anyone else will think. The more vulnerable you are the better!  It's always tough when working on a new project. As a creator, you want to ensure that everything is perfect with each new piece of work. Sometimes though, you need to take a deep breath and trust yourself. Remember that every creator has their unique process and that yours is no different. Focus on what makes your music stand out and create something you'll be proud of.  
  4. Furthermore, when following your own creative path, remember that there are no right or wrong answers. Just as everyone’s personal style is unique to them, so is their creative process. Embrace this uniqueness and make it work for you! By doing so, you'll find that new opportunities arise that can take your music to heights you never imagined possible. 
  5. Once you have written your song, take a break from it and come back with fresh ears. This will help you hear the song in a new light and make sure that all the elements are coming together correctly. Also, remember to give yourself time for revisions; making changes can really refine your work. Keep writing and don't be afraid 
  6. Leveraging feedback from others is also a great way to make sure you are on the right track. Friends, family members, and even strangers can give you constructive criticism that can help guide your music in the right direction. All of this will contribute to making your song something truly special! 
  7. Don’t be afraid to edit or be ambiguous. Being vulnerable doesn’t mean you have to share every detail of your life to the world, so don't worry about keeping certain things private or using metaphors. As long as the overall message of the song is clear and honest and you deeply connect with the song then that’s all that matters!  
  8. Collaborate with others. Sometimes being vulnerable is easier when you’re surrounded by like-minded songwriters/ musicians with the same ultimate goal. Give each other support and allow others to give a fresh perspective on your writing.    


Good luck and keep writing! You have to let go of any expectations or preconceived notions about what kind of song this should be – those don’t matter at all! Just focus on getting out whatever is inside of you so that others may hear and relate more effectively.

Songwriting is a gift of self-expression, so use it! Music is what feelings sound like - grasp the opportunity to find deep connection and ultimate healing. Be vulnerable, explore the uncomfortable and write from the heart!

Want to Learn How to Sing, Whilst accompanying your voice on the piano?

Want to express your authentic voice through Your own Songs?


Download my FREE beginner piano, singer/songwriter PDF guide to help you channel your emotions creatively. 



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