Registration is currently closed!

Join the Wait List for Express Your Truth 


...Make sure to register for the VIP waitlist for Special Early Bird Pricing!

 The Express Your Truth 9-week live coaching course is a life-changing program that will help you overcome your fear of sharing your music with the world. You'll learn how to transform your thinking about your singing, playing, and songwriting, and heal from past traumas that may have prevented you from pursuing your musical dreams, whilst also learning how to play the piano without reading notation. Plus, you'll learn good vocal techniques and experience the power of songwriting. This course is led by registered Music therapist and piano/Vocal coach Sam de la Haye, who has helped countless beginner piano/vocalists and musicians of all levels achieve their musical goals. With her guidance and the special bond you will make with the other students, you will walk away feeling empowered, inspired, motivated, and transformed so that you can reach your fullest potential


The next cohort starts Spring 2024 for 9 weeks live on Zoom.

Registration opens very soon!

Express Your Truth  will be open for enrollment THIS THURSDAY!!


...Make sure to register for the VIP waitlist for Special Early Bird Pricing!

 The Express Your Truth 8-week live coaching course is a life-changing program that will help you overcome your fear of sharing your music with the world. You'll learn how to transform your thinking about your singing, playing, and songwriting, and heal from past traumas that may have prevented you from pursuing your musical dreams, whilst also learning how to play the piano without reading notation. Plus, you'll learn good vocal techniques and experience the power of songwriting. This course is led by registered Music therapist & Piano/Vocal coach Sam de la Haye, who has helped countless beginner piano/vocalists and musicians of all levels achieve their musical goals. With her guidance, and the special bond you will make with the other students you will walk away feeling empowered, inspired, motivated, and transformed so that you can reach your fullest potential


The cohort starts August 3rd & every Thursday at 7pm BST UK TIME - for 9 weeks live on zoom.

Sarah Phillips

My health has improved week on week since being on this course finding my voice,falling back in love with piano.

Monika Nuon

I'm so glad i found @thesingerspiano and her course and I feel so lucky to be in this group with all you beautiful souls. Its amazing to have a way to channel my emotions creatively thank you guys so much.

Robyn Lynn

Sam has a amazing way to bring out the best in us and give us a push to get through the fear.

I feel free, confident and capable !

Navigating loss and grappling with vocal tension, Carmen faced many hurdles in her musical journey. Yet, by learning to view her voice as an instrument and fostering self-compassion, she rekindled her connection with music. Despite initial time constraints, she found in music a sanctuary amid her busy life. Watch her inspirational story below.



It brings out alot of creativity that was maybe pushed down


This is the best thing I have ever done in my life!

Battling anxiety, Dawn took small but powerful steps in our supportive community, ultimately overcoming her fear of being seen. This journey not only boosted her confidence but also nurtured her abilities to play music, sing, and write songs. Discover Dawn's inspiring transformation in the video below.


It's been a huge key in helping me write songs